Thursday, September 12, 2013

Mini Pies - Wedding Favors

How cool is the new rustic/vintage wedding trend?  I'm loving it - especially because it involves PIES!
Somewhere along the line, Chocolate in the Oven got a pretty strong following for our mini pies - I'm not sure how this happened because I've been called a lot of things, some of the nicer things being a cake artist, a candy maker, a cookie creator, a cupcake baker, but....a Pie-maker I am not...well, at least a year ago that was the case...  
In comes, my sister, who, is the pie GENIUS.   As in, she has received an award in a pie making contest for BEST CRUST and BEST OVERALL PIE - woo-hoo! 
This past summer we have sold our "mini" 4 inch pies in scrumptious  flavors like Apple, blueberry crumb, strawberry-rhubarb, raspberry-peach, shoo-fly, southern fudge, mixed berry and cherry at a local farmers market.
Check them out on Etsy if you can't get to us at the market!  They make a great party/wedding favor - your guests will L-O-V-E you!

Double Crust Apple Mini Pie Wedding Favor

Simple Party Pie Tower

Our best seller! Southern Pecan with or w/o Chocolate Chips

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

3 layer Rainbow Cake

First things first....I would marry these little guys if I could....for real

What you ask?  Well...only the secret to making them, right here in all this grated goodness.
Hmmm.....I may not want to share what this is in case there's ever a shortage.

So I'm all ready to make a tray of the rainbow delight-my-senses, I love you more than a 25 % off, no exclusions, coupon at Bloomies and then I get this idea........what's better than Rainbow cookies?  Well, just stay tuned.
So I run down the road and got some fresh eggs from the farm....
ummm....for real.  It's closer than the supermarket afterall
Creamed up some butter   (from the  fridge, not Old McDonald - sorry, taking the organic in baby steps)

Sifted together the dry ingredients - flour, salt, baking  powder - yes, with an actual sifter, don't skip this step - you know who you are!

Ack!!!  Chocolate and Whipped Cream unite!  Go Chocolate in the Oven!

I always miss some steps w/ the camera.

What's is that dripping out of the layers you ask?
Well, one layer of fresh raspberry preserves and  one layer of apricot preserves, organic, of course

There I go skipping l, m, n, o and p again, but you know, add some ganache, some fondant, a little bow get the point

3 layers of moist almond cake combined together to make one hell of a birthday cake!